Please feel free to contact me with any additions, corrections, and such - I'd like this to be a one-stop-shop for people who have no clue what all the jargon means.
Good luck!
Term | Definition |
- | negative test result |
+ | positive test result |
2WW | two-week wait (until you can take a preg test) |
AF | Aunt Flo = menstruation |
AHI | at-home insemination |
AI | artificial insemination |
AID | artificial insemination from donor |
AIH | artificial insemination from husband |
AO | anovation |
AVA | anti-ovarian antibody |
AZH | assisted hatching |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BCP | birth control pills |
BD | baby dance (sex) or baby daddy |
Beta | blood pregnancy test |
Beta hCG | serum pregnancy test |
BF, B/F | breast-feeding |
BFN | big fat negative |
BFP | big fat positive |
BG | blood glucose |
BH | Braxton-Hicks contractions |
BMS | baby-making sex |
BOB | baby-on-brain, baby-obsessed brain |
BSE | breast self-exam |
BTB | break-through bleeding |
BW, b/w | blood work |
CB | cycle buddy (shares the same cycle) |
CCCT | clomiphene citrate challenge test |
CD | cycle day, usually followed by a number |
CD1 | cycle day 1 (1st day you get your period) |
CF | cervical fluid |
CL | corpus luteum |
CM | cervical mucous |
CNM | Certified Nurse Midwife |
CO | cervical opening |
COH | controlled ovarian hyper stimulation |
CP | cervical position |
CY | cycle |
CY# | cycle number |
D&C | dilation and curettage |
D&E | dilation and evacuation |
DD | darling daughter |
DE | donor eggs |
DH | darling husband |
DI | donor insemination |
DOST | direct oocyte-sperm transfer |
DP | darling partner |
DP3DT | days past (post) 3-day transfer |
DP5DT | days past (post) 5-day transfer |
DPO | days past ovulation |
DPO | days past (post) ovulation |
DPR | days past (post) retrieval |
DPT | days past (post) transfer |
DS | darling son |
DTD | do the deed |
Dx | diagnosis |
e2 | estrogen (Estradiol) |
EB, EMB | endometrial biopsy |
ecm, ewcm | eggwhite cervical mucus (most fertile kind) |
EDC | expected date of confinement (due date) |
EDD | estimated due date |
endo | endometriosis |
EPT | early pregnancy test |
ERT | estrogen replacement therapy |
ETA | embryo toxicity assay |
EW | eggwhite (re: consistency of cervical mucus) |
EWCF | eggwhite cervical fluid |
FBG | fasting blood glucose |
Ferning | pattern in your saliva = fertile time |
FET | frozen embryo transfer |
FHR | fetal heart-rate |
FHR | follicle stimulating hormone |
FM | fertility monitor |
FMU | first morning urine |
FP | follicular phase |
FSH | follicle stimulating hormone |
FTTA | fertile thoughts to all |
FUR | false unicorn root |
FV | fertile vibes |
GD | Gestational Diabetes |
GIFT | gamete intra-fallopian transfer |
GP | General Practitioner |
GRH | gonadotropin releasing hormone |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
HbA1c | glycosylated hemoglobin (glycohemoglobin) |
hCG | human chorionic gonadotropin (preg hormone) |
HCP | healthcare practitioner |
HPT | home pregnancy test |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
HSC | hysteroscopy |
HSG | hysterosalpingogram |
IBT | immunobead binding test |
ICI | intra-cervical insemination |
ICSI | intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection |
IF | infertility |
IGTT | insulin & glucose tolerance test |
IM | intra-muscular (injections) |
ITI | intra-tubal insemination |
IUFD | intra-uterine fetal demise |
IUGR | intra-uterine growth retardation |
IUI | intra-uterine insemination |
IVC | intra-vaginal culture |
IVF | invitro fertilization |
LAP | laparoscopy |
LH | luteinizing hormone |
LM | Licensed Midwife |
LMP | last menstrual period |
LP | luteal phase |
LPD | luteal phase defect |
LSH | low, soft & hard (cervical position) |
LSP | low sperm count |
m/c | miscarriage |
MF | male factor |
MIFT | micro injection fallopian transfer |
MS, m/s | morning sickness |
NM | nursing mom/mother |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
O, OV | ovulation |
OB/GYN | Obstetrician/Gynecologist |
OC | oral contraceptives |
OCP | oral contraceptive pill |
OD | ovulatory dysfunction |
OHSS | Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome |
O'ing | ovulating |
OPK | ovulation predictor kit |
OPT | ovulation predictor test |
OTC | over the counter |
p4 | progesterone |
PA | Physician's Assistant |
PCAP | polycystic appearing ovaries |
PCOD | Polycystic Ovary Disease |
PCO, PCOS | polycystic ovaries |
PCOS (POS) | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome |
PCP | Primary Care Physician |
PCT | postcoital test |
PG | pregnant |
PI | primary infertility |
PID | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease |
PIH | pregnancy-induced hypertension |
PMS | Pre-menstrual Syndrome |
PNM | perinatal mortality |
POAS | pee on a stick |
POC | products of conception |
POF | premature ovarian failure |
PTL | pre-term labour |
PUPO | pregnant until proven otherwise |
RE | Reproductive Endocrinologist |
RI | Reproductive Immunologist |
RPL | recurrent pregnancy loss |
Rx | prescription |
S | sticky (cervical mucous) |
S/A | sperm/semen analysis |
SAHM | stay-at-home mom |
SAHP | stay-at-home parent |
SB, s/b | stillbirth |
SI | secondary infertility |
SO | significant other |
TAB | taking a break |
TESE | testicular sperm extration |
TL | tubal ligation |
TR | tubal reversal |
TTC | trying to conceive |
Tx | treatment |
UR | Urologist |
US or u/s | ultrasound |
VBAC | vaginal birth after cesarean |
WAHM | work-at-home mom |
WAHP | work-at-home parent |
WBC | white blood cells |
WNL | within normal limits |
ZIFT | zygote intrafallopian transfer |
You left off the *footnote RSTIMU (Random Stuff/s?#t That I Made Up. ;)
ReplyDeleteI can also offer a few on an actual clinical note, i.e. terms your doctor will use in your chart:
SAB = Spontaneous Abortion, miscarriage
As compared to EAB (elective abortion), not too common in the Lesbian World
G#P#: G = gravida (the number of times you've been pregnant), P = para (the number of babies you've delivered)
UPT = urine pregnancy test
AI = ALTERNATIVE Insemination (some people, namely The Fenway in Boston, prefer not to refer to it as artificial)
Hope that helps!
-Doc, an FP (Family Physician) practicing at a CHC (Community Health Center) in NC (North Carolina) & currently dealing w/ my own LI* (Lifestyle Infertility) can learn more at And yes, I will be stealing your TTC timeline idea.